Thursday, October 7, 2010

why would i ever? xx

都沒時間 ==

Why would I ever think of leaving you?

OKAY so be prepared for an uber long blog (maybe). so, schoool started about two months ago. soo scary. ive been getting myself into lotsa troublee. yay me. == all the new peeeps are pretty awesome (: so thats good.
funny how time flies.. so much drama that i cant post about here. o.o sighhh.
so, just FYI -->

----------------------->single with noooo crush so dont ask
----------------------->jvb vballll, dunno if im gna do bball
----------------------->OK grades except for english and chinese ==
----------------------->fav class(es): geometry (awesome teacher) and... uh. thats all.
----------------------->least fav class: bible. :/ dont like memory verses and all that.
----------------------->study hall: crazy. keep getting in trouble. (:

okayy turns out i dont have all that much to say. == actually i do, but im just not in the mood of writing it all down.. just thought i should update this. maybe tmrw o.o blahh