Thursday, October 7, 2010

why would i ever? xx

都沒時間 ==

Why would I ever think of leaving you?

OKAY so be prepared for an uber long blog (maybe). so, schoool started about two months ago. soo scary. ive been getting myself into lotsa troublee. yay me. == all the new peeeps are pretty awesome (: so thats good.
funny how time flies.. so much drama that i cant post about here. o.o sighhh.
so, just FYI -->

----------------------->single with noooo crush so dont ask
----------------------->jvb vballll, dunno if im gna do bball
----------------------->OK grades except for english and chinese ==
----------------------->fav class(es): geometry (awesome teacher) and... uh. thats all.
----------------------->least fav class: bible. :/ dont like memory verses and all that.
----------------------->study hall: crazy. keep getting in trouble. (:

okayy turns out i dont have all that much to say. == actually i do, but im just not in the mood of writing it all down.. just thought i should update this. maybe tmrw o.o blahh

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Countdown of DOOM: 2 days.



Well, I'm not in a good mood today.. so I'm just gonna post some pics I took with leh neww TX1. It came yesterd
ay after I finished my blog post. xD

Gotta love sweep panorama

In Smile Detection mode; the camera thinks Barbie is alive.


Friday, August 13, 2010

The Countdown of DOOM: 3 days.

How sad. Inching closer and closer and closer and closer and..

By the way, I never mentioned anywhere why I made my youtube usern
ame and blogspot url thingy ma-jigger "delightfulhoney". Well I just don't like it when people put numbers at the end of their usernames. It means that it's an unoriginal name and that somebody already has the cool name without all the 0123456789. It seriously sucks. So I was thinking of something original, WHILE wishing I had some more honey cereal this morning (That stuff is great.) cause I was hungry. I pretty much love anything sweet. xD
AND I was listening to a song and it was something like, so delightful, so ... i forgot. It was on the radio. (I always have my radio on ==)
I was absentmindedly typing and erasing stuff on the space that says "Username", and I finally looked up and saw delightfulhoney. Yay me! It sounds stupid, but it's definitely better than melody1234567, right?

August 13, 2010 - Mel's precious camera was born.
HAHA. Anyways, I'm keeping track of what yahoo's doing cause they claim that it'll ship over to my house 2-3 [work]days after it's manufactured. So therefore, if it doesn't come by Wednesday, I'm marching over to Taipei and suing them for being slow.

Yay! My best friend (and ex-husband) just came back from the states yesterday! I'm sooo happy. I haven't talked to him for so long because of the messed up timezones. D: Don't you wish there weren't such a thing as timezones? That would be so cool if everyone had the same time. Too bad for the Westerners who would be awake at night. They would be really pale. Like vampires. (HEY that's cool!!!! :O A million Edwards! LOL)
Our weird chat. Sigh.

The school stuff came in the mail today. (Like, the papers about "welcome back to school" and new student faq and all that GREAT stuff. Note the sarcasm for those of you who are Sarcasm-Dummies.) They accidentally send us Ryan and Deborah (8th and 7th grade)'s parking stuff, so I'm going to have to hunt them down on the first day. How sad. -disapproves-

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Countdown of DOOM: 4 days.

What are you people wearing on Day 1? I have no idea. :( HELP ME!

Hmm.. long wait. :(

I miss you two too much. Please come back! :'(

As you see here, I could be labeled the most bored person online.

But I still don't want school to start.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Countdown of DOOM: 5 days.

MY FIRST BLOG POST! Okay sorry I keep deleting my old blogs and making new ones. This is my third one.. o.o I keep changing my mind about things, and it's too much of a hassle to go through changing every post and stuff. So here it is!

Alright, so there's only 5 days till school starts. IT SUCKS. I sooo don't want school to start! Seriously! Plus I haven't been doing much summer shopping.. (too lazy to go out)
Locker buddies: RICHARD and DESMOND. How sad is that?! I mean, no offense to you guys.. you guys are cool.. it's just that.. I don't wanna have to waste a lot of my deodorant again, aaand I don't wanna be tripped daily.
Hannah and I are keeping our fingers crossed. Why? Well.. I don't think I really need to tell you that because it's so obvious. ;)

Also, I finally took the time to order the Sony TX1 on Yahoo! It seems so slim and pretty, so I'm loving it! (Even though I've only seen pictures and videos. Haha.) The color I wanted, Gold, got sold out though.. so I'm a little bit depressed about that. Oh well, pink is good too.
It claims to come in about 7 "workdays".. which is next Thursday or Friday I guess.

Oh and I got really bored today, so I was messing around with some song's pitches. I ended up posting one of them on youtube; it's my favorite one even though Trey Songz sounds gay here..BUT Toni Braxton's GREAT.